General Dentistry

Looking for a comprehensive dental experience of general diagnosis, prevention, treatment and management of your teeth and mouth? Click on specific individual General Dentistry service you are seeking.

Dental Cleaning & Exams

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A professional dental cleaning will prevent cavities, gingivitis, and gum disease. Our hygienist will focus on removal of dental plaque, which is a soft, sticky, bacteria film; and tartar, a calculus, from the teeth. The advanced tools are specialized instruments constructed and shaped to comfortably remove tartar deposits without harming the teeth; and once its all gone, the teeth are polished using a slow-speed hand piece that applies the special toothpaste-like material. You’ll leave this exam with a shiny, smooth smile.

In the Chair

An exam that’s designed to prevent problems, instead of just solving them.

Estimated Time in the Chair: 45 minutes

Ultrasonic Device

keeps things comfortable

Scalers & Curettes

remove smaller deposits

Teeth Polishing

with special ingredients

Flossing and/or Flouride

to strengthen gums and tooth enamel

New Patient Exam & Consultation

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The Broadmoor Family Dental Care staff provides a comprehensive new patient exam that include or includes a thorough periodontal screening, oral cancer screening, x-ray images as needed, occlusion checked for implant restorations.

In the Chair

Estimated Time: 90 minutes


to determine
history and/or
possible issues


for an inside
point of view

Thorough Exam

to get to know your teeth

You can expect the following


Pre-Check In/Paperwork


Welcome to the Suite with a blanket.


Face and Neck Exam to look for any abnormalities such as lumps, bumps or swelling.


Examine the Inside of the Mouth for abnormalities of soft tissues, gum condition, and cancer screenings.


Teeth Examination for cavities or any other areas of concern.


X-Rays for a more accurate look at what is going on inside your mouth and below the teeth and gums.


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Complete and Partial Dentures are certainly like many things in life – the importance of something is never truly appreciated until they’re gone. Good news is that you have options that will restore your way of life by helping with day-to-day functions of speaking and eating, as well as restore your confidence with an improved smile.

In the Chair

Let our team of experts give you a confident & comfortable smile.

Estimated Time Start to Finish: 6-12 weeks

Consider Different Denture Options –

Implant-Supported, Immediate Dentures, Partial Dentures

Discuss what you should know based on the decision
Get the tea on caring for & treatment of your dentures


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It’s no fun getting cavities, but fillings have come a long way in treating the cavity to prevent decay. Fillings can also be needed to replace or repair an old, worn-down existing filling or chipped tooth. Broadmoor Family Dental Care uses composite fillings, which is basically the material of choice when it comes to matching your tooth color.

In the Chair

Chipped tooth? Filling came out?
We’ll see you ASAP.

Estimated Time Start to Finish: 1.5 hours


in your tooth is removed

Cleansing Gel

Is applied

Double Check

to Ensure Proper Shape and Effectiveness

Bonding Solution &

composite filling material applied and set to harden

Gum disease

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In the U.S., an estimated three out of four adults have some level of gum disease and many don’t ever realize it. Gum disease is inflammation and infection of the gums and the surrounding tissue. Generally caused by bacterial plaque, it is the biggest cause of adult tooth loss. If caught in the early stages, our team can help to reverse the gum disease and get you back on track to a healthy mouth.

In the Chair

We’re here to provide quick and quality help to get you back on track to a healthy mouth.

Estimated Time in the Chair: 45 minutes-1 hour

Diagnose Gum Disease & other possible underlying issues
Consider Treatment Options
Preventative Dental Recommendations


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Sometimes your Broadmoor Family Dental Care team may recommend tooth extraction if you have decay, infection, crowding or even broken teeth below the surface. This procedure is a relatively quick outpatient process with either local anesthetic for numbing or general anesthesia.

In the Chair

You will receive a quick outpatient procedure done with a local anesthesia, during which the tooth will be removed then followed by post-extraction care.

Estimated Time Start to Finish: 1 hour

Prepare for Tooth Extractions with X-Ray
Get Patient Medical History
Learn What to Expect in Recovery
Be Aware of the Importance of Replacing Missing Teeth

Oral cancer screenings

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An estimated 30,000 Americans are diagnosed each year with oral cancer, thus it has become a higher mortality rate disease than cervical cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, liver cancer or kidney cancer. If diagnosed early, oral cancer has a 90% cure rate. Because 25 percent of the people diagnosed with oral cancer have no risk factors, an oral cancer screening should be a routine part of dental maintenance.

In the Chair

Oral cancer screenings are routinely conducted while in chair at cleaning appointments.

Estimated Time Start to Finish: 15-30 minutes

Regular checkups include examination of the entire mouth for early detection
Identify Common Symptoms
Determine if Brush Tests are Necessary